Monday, September 26, 2011

the Talented Mr. Sundin

Jeff with a nice 'eye
Everyone knows that the early bird gets the worm, but Jeff Sundin of Early Bird Guide Service got that and a bit more.  Being blessed with gift of finding feeding fish would seems like reason enough to admire Sundin's talents. But the Leech lake area guide sends his clients home with more than a tan line and a bag of meat.  

Long before the rest of the world ever reaches over to swat at their snooze button into submission, Jeff is up and going, getting ready for another day on the water.  Even before the sun ever peeks above the tree tops Jeff is waiting at the dock with a comfy seat and a smile for his clients that day.  Amongst a field of late to bed, early to rise folks, Jeff has set himself apart and earned his title of Minnesota's hardest working fishing guide.

incredible photo by Jeff Sundin
Gull in flight

In any other fisherman's hands a high end camera does little more to sharpen your photography skills than make you look the part, a fact which I re learn with every photo I take, but Jeff and his camera seem to capture photos which make you wonder how, "how in the world did he do that"?

A gull perched on a submerged log

"It started out as a great way to capture the moment after a customer had caught a great fish, but over time it has really become a passion".  From the starting point of capturing a trophy on film or a smiling kid with their first catch, Jeff gradually made his way to the self taught artist that he is today.

There's little doubt that Jeff's numerous years behind the steering wheel of his guide boat have allowed him plenty of opportunity to sharpen his skills behind the lens, but  with a quick glance over Sundin's gallery worthy work you can begin to understand that his skill stems not only from practice, but also derives from an inherent eye for the art.  

"I love to take pictures of the simple things that nature lays in front of me. It really doesn't matter what it is, just ordinary sights that I see during a routine day. Some days it's a great sunset, others it might be a twig, a bird, anything that looks interesting." -Jeff Sundin 

Bald eagle flying overhead

Jeff's photo tips:
1. Don't try to find a shot, let the shot find you. It will, I promise! 
2. Make sure that the subject fills the screen and make sure you take a lot of pictures! I may sort through 100 pictures each day just to find one that I like. 
Monarch Butterfly close up
3. Keep your camera with you always. The best pictures are the ones that I stumble into and I have missed some of the best opportunities because my camera wasn't near by.

If you want to hear some of Jeff's fishing tips make sure you check out Jeff's weekly fishing update at!

Got any good fishin' stories? Share them below in the comments section, or if you want to be featured in the next post, or just want to talk fishing... Email me!



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